Investment Claims Arising from the Russian Aggression: Sword and Shield for Ukraine

Інформація про подію

17:00 – 19:00
Де відбудеться
offline, Kyiv / online, via Zoom
Телефон координатора
+38 (066) 495-30-14
Контактна особа
Вікторія Мотя
+38 (066) 495-30-14
Вартість участі

Committee on ADR of UBA invites you to join the event: «Investment Claims Arising from the Russian Aggression: Sword and Shield for Ukraine».


Oleksandr Volkov, Partner Asters


Yuri Parkhomenko, Partner Foley Hoag LLP, Boston

Epaminontas E. Triantafilou, Partner Quinn Emanuel

Anna Tkachova, Counsel Asters

Hanna Tyshchenko, Department of International Cooperation and Representation of the Ministry of Justice.

Date: 07 February 2024

Time: 05 pm (Kyiv time).

Format: offline, Kyiv / online, via Zoom

Duration of the event: ~2 hours

Language: English

By invitation event: the number of participants is limited due to technical capacities. 

If you are interested in the opportunity to participate in the event, please apply through this form. Please note that participation is only possible after the confirmation of your registration by the event organizers.

You can make a charitable contribution and support the activities of the Ukrainian Bar Association at the following link.

For all questions regarding the event and the possibility to partner, please contact the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Bar Association by phone at +380664953014 or write to Contact person – Viktoriia Motia.


Investment Claims Arising from the Russian Aggression: Sword and Shield for Ukraine

17:00 – 19:00
Де відбудеться
offline, Kyiv / online, via Zoom
Телефон координатора
+38 (066) 495-30-14
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