Forum of Health & Leisure


Melnykovych Dmytro

The Coordinator of the Forum of Lawyer’s Health

A great number of official events held by UBA and increasing number of members of the organization lately have indicated that the community has been developing professionally – both quantitatively and qualitatively.

However, we should not forget that persistent work has to be diluted with a rest, because equilibrium in our profession is a key to good health. Personally, I think that the rest should be active. In addition, it does not mean that with the onset of the weekend one must skydive, dive into the ocean or do something extreme. Despite the individual preferences, one should still follow the unchangeable rule of relaxation: rest should be bright! So that it may seem on Monday that Friday was a month ago. That is why the motto of the Forum of Lawyer’s Health is a saying “A good worker is a good holiday-maker”.

Previously, plans of the Forum are divided into seasons. Therefore, we start with the summer and winter seasons. So, traditional became a meeting of lawyers in the Carpathians in February with the joint participation of the Committee on Corporate Law where in addition to the discussions of legal matters there is an opportunity of skiing, visiting a bathhouse and tasting real Carpathian tea. Summer activities include boating and hiking.

Despite all mentioned, it is necessary to add that all activities initiated and accompanied by the Forum’s participation provide lawyers with the opportunity to get to know each other in a friendly, relaxed and sometimes extreme situation, contribute to the formation of team spirit that, of course, has a positive impact on the activity of the whole organization.


Dmytro Melnykovych

The Coordinator of the Forum of Lawyer’s Health

Forum of Lawyer’s Health is a complex of activities of UBA directed at recreation, informal communication and bright, exciting impressions. Activities within the Forum are diverse, so everyone can choose anything he prefers. First attempts to unite lawyers for active and interesting leisure, boating the Dniester River and hiking the Carpathian Mountains, turned out to be successful and made many interested, so they will be held next year as well. Winter will bring new, exciting and useful activities.

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