Branch in Ivano-Frankivsk Region


Іщук Денис

партнер, керівник Західноукраїнського офісу АО «Моріс Ґруп»

Dear Colleagues!

Our country and society are going through a challenging period. Like never before it is of vital importance to consolidate efforts of professional jurisprudents, their knowledge, experience and life power in order to solve key problems in the sphere of legal regulation and regulatory enforcement.

For today, the Ukrainian Bar Association is a unique platform for active communication between legal experts from different regions of the country where they can establish unified approaches to the solution of law issues, raise professional qualification in different fields of law and establish liaisons and business relationships with each other.

For the time of its work, the UBA Branch in Ivano-Frankivsk Region has joined together professional, vigorous and initiative jurists who actively participate in forming of modern legal system and strive for permanent development.

If you share our ideas, get on board! Together we can change what seems to be impossible to change.

начальник відділу інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення та ситуативного моніторингу АТ «Укртранснафта»
Branch Council
викладачка кафедри трудового, екологічного та аграрного права, заступниця директора Навчально-наукового юридичного інституту Прикарпатського національного університету ім. Василя Стефаника
професор кафедри права та публічного управління, ЗВО "Університет Короля Данила", адвокат
Committees statements
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