Attorneys & Lawyers


Bugay Denys

President (2013-2017, 2019-2021), Head of the Section of the UBA of Attorneys & Lawyers
Partner, VB PARTNERS Law Firm

Dear colleagues, lawyers!

We repeatedly observed situations where advocacy has gained its status and its warranty. At present a unique opportunity to combine our efforts to determine common vector of development of the legal profession, exchange views and ideas, discussion and implementation.

How Curator Section I invite all lawyers involved in its work. As part of plans to organize training activities for lawyers to promote the protection of violated rights advocates lobbying and legal profession by forming working groups on a bill informal and interesting developmental communication.

I am sincerely glad your proposals and initiatives in the framework of the section!

Заступники Голови
Рада Секції
Рartner Ario Law Firm, Attorney-at-law
Head of "Legal Specialist"
partner of MORIS
managing partner of "Matviyev and Partners", attorney
Partner of EQUITY
Committees statements
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