PILPG offers analytical support for post-war restoration of Ukraine

Global pro bono law firm Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) is pleased to share several analytical products developed by our team as part of our project to support the post-war restoration of Ukraine. These resources may be of particular interest and usefulness in lawyers’ work, especially in planning future projects.

“In recent months, the PILPG team has conducted extensive research to provide practical recommendations based on the best global practices. Our goal is to support the recovery and reintegration of Ukraine's temporarily occupied territories. The research objectives were to identify areas requiring reform, legal and policy interventions following the de-occupation of certain Ukrainian territories, and to analyze how comparative state practices from other contexts can help anticipate challenges and identify best practices for these reforms and interventions” – comments Kateryna Kyrychenko from PILPG’s Legal Team.

PILPG has studied and analyzed the practices and policies adopted in states that have transitioned from conflict to peace, including Bosnia and Herzegovina (the former Yugoslavia), Kosovo, and Iraq. Drawing on the experiences and lessons learned from these countries, PILPG has developed legal and policy recommendations aimed at assisting Ukraine in the reintegration of de-occupied territories and transitioning from wartime to peacetime.

PILPG’s Analytical Products for Ukraine’s Post-Conflict Restoration:

We are excited to share the following analytical documents with you (available in both Ukrainian and English):

1.     PILPG’s Comparative State Practice Analysis Memorandum (with Annexes): This document analyzes the practices and policies adopted in other states that have undergone transitions from conflict to peace, highlighting lessons learned and best practices, and identifying practices that Ukraine should avoid to prevent repeating the mistakes of others.

2.     PILPG’s Policy Recommendations: These recommendations are designed to inform the development of legislation and government policies addressing the de-occupied territories, and to support advocacy and civil society activities.

3.     PILPG’s Planning Document: This document aims to assist Ukraine in planning the specific steps needed after the de-occupation of territories.

PILPG team is open to any questions or suggestions and is always happy to meet to discuss the contents of these documents. We greatly appreciate your feedback and comments.

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