International Arbitration Survey 2025: The Path Forward: Realities and Opportunities in Arbitration

White & Case LLP and the School of International Arbitration at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have launched the sixth edition of their highly regarded 2025 International Arbitration Survey: The Path Forward: Realities and Opportunities in Arbitration.

This influential survey explores key topics such as efficiency, enforcement of awards, human rights, corporate social responsibility, and the use of AI in arbitration. By contributing, you will join a global effort to shape the future of international arbitration practices.

Take the Survey via the online form

We understand that not all questions may be relevant to everyone. Please feel free to answer as many questions as you can and leave blank any that do not apply to you.

The survey is open until 10 December 2024, and White & Case will make a donation to the Child Rights International Network for every completed response.

We encourage you to participate and share your valuable insights!

Do you have an interesting idea for an event?

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