The UBA Committee proposes to improve the regulations of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

The UBA Competition Law Committee has reached out to Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU), with recommendations regarding draft regulations for the AMCU’s operations. In its letter, the UBA Committee highlighted the need to improve the procedures for organizing committee meetings to ensure transparency, legality, and effective protection of participants' rights.

One of the key points raised by the UBA Committee concerns Section III, Clause 3 of the regulations, which allows for closed meetings at the discretion of the Committee’s chairperson. In its current version, the criteria for holding closed meetings are overly broad, as the terms "state interests" and "interests of case participants" are defined vaguely. The UBA Committee emphasizes that this lack of clarity undermines the principle of legal certainty, which is essential for the transparency and openness of the AMCU’s work.

The UBA Committee also suggests revising Section IV, Clause 6, to mandate that documents be provided to state representatives no less than three working days before the meeting. "Ensuring that Committee members receive materials in advance is a critical prerequisite for thorough consideration," the statement notes.

The full text of the UBA Committee’s letter is available at the provided link.

Committee news

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