ELI presents the Charter of Fundamental Constitutional Principles of a European Democracy

The European Law Institute (ELI) has presented the edited and layouted version of the Charter of Fundamental Constitutional Principles of a European Democracy, which was approved by the ELI earlier this year.

This Charter is both timely and of utmost importance, in times marked by unrest and democratic challenges, as emphasized by the ELI. It encompasses constitutional principles which form the foundations of a European liberal democratic state and aims at providing general guidance to public authorities, jurists, individuals, and civil society on fundamentals expected of any such genuine democracy properly so-called.

The ELI hopes that the Charter will be drawn upon by legislatures and courts in Europe and beyond, and that it may inspire future constitutional developments.

The Charter can be viewed via this link.

The publication of the final version of the Charter was preceded by a series of discussions on its chapters, organized as webinars with legal experts. Among the prominent speakers at these discussions were:

  • Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission;
  • Róbert Ragnar Spanó, Partner at Gibson Dunn, Former President of the European Court of Human Rights;
  • Florian Geyer, Head of the Unit Rule of Law, DG JUST;
  • Ralph Kaessner, Head of Unit Justice and Home Affairs, Council of the EU;
  • Daniel Popescu, Head of the Promoting Local Democracy Department of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

The recordings of these webinars are available on the ELI website.

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