The American Bar Association calls upon the UN to investigate Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine

On August 9, 2022, the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted Resolution 405 of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), which condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and calls upon the UN to investigate war crimes.

The resolution calls upon the United Nations General Assembly to authorize the Secretary General of the United Nations to establish international war crime tribunals to determine whether the Russian Federation and its officials violated international law in Ukraine.

"It is hard to imagine a more serious threat to the rule of law than Russia's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign state. The New York State Bar Association believes that upholding the rule of law urges us to call on the United Nations General Assembly to establish an investigative body to identify and hear evidence of war crimes," said NYSBA President Sherry Levin Wallach.

According to the Resolution Report, with tensions between the Russian Federation and Ukraine mounting, NYSBA strove to support Ukraine. In December 2021, the NYSBA International Section and the Ukrainian Bar Association signed a memorandum of cooperation, and the NYSBA Chapter in Ukraine was formed on the platform of the UBA. On February 15, the NYSBA International Section and the UBA formed a Ukraine Task Force, responsible for issues of humanitarian and legal assistance to Ukrainians. Nine days later, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine.

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