WIPO / IPTMT AIJA talks - Drafting arbitration clauses do’s and don’ts for IP agreements

The Intellectual Property, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (IP/TMT) Commission invites you to attend its ADR themed online networking gathering on 28 September, from 17:00 to 18:00 CEST (from18:00 to 19:00 Kyiv time).
The event will start with an interactive discussion on drafting arbitration clauses does and dont's for IP agreements 
Leandro Toscano, Head of the Business Development Unit, Arbitration and Meadiation Center, will share his experience. Following the presentation, we will have time for Q&A and, will end with an informal networking session. 

How to register

This event is for free and open to everyone. To register, please click here.

Please complete the following fields during registration as follows:

Are you an AIJA member? - Yes  

Company Name  - Ukrainian Bar Association 

Title/Position – Member

Do you have an interesting idea for an event?

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