20 years together! Ukrainian Bar Association Marks 20 years on Guard for the Rule of Law

We turn 20 years old today!

Of course, we dreamed of a grandiose celebration but the war in Ukraine changed our lives, as well as our plans. At the same time, despite us not celebrating, our plans remain grandiose - victory and fair punishment for all war criminals.

The path of the UBA in the last 20 years has been extremely turbulent, full of outstanding events, successes, achievements and lessons learned. Today, all of us, Ukrainians, are creating a new history on the legal front.

War is a good endurance test. And we are going through it: we have become stronger, more stable and confident that we are doing the right thing. Our voice is being heard at the international level and back home.

Today we are more convinced than ever: when on November 30, 2002 the Founding Congress decided to establish the Ukrainian Bar Association, a powerful organization was born, which today is the driving force behind the restoration of the rule of law in Ukraine.

We are proud that today UBA is: 7,000 members, 27 committees, 23 regional branches, more than 550 events per year, dozens of legislative proposals annually and many initiatives and projects. Only our values ​​remain unchanged: respect for the rule of law, protection of human rights, development of the legal profession, upholding the professional rights of lawyers, and at present - countering aggression against Ukraine on the legal front.

We are grateful to each member of the Association for sharing common values, for the fruitful work, dedication to the profession and a continuous desire to move forward! 

We dream big! And we shall win!

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